Friday, August 31, 2007

Zwieback...I Think I Might Yack

Lately, I have been eating Mommy out of house and home on those wonderful little puffs that I recently told you about. But for some reason Mommy thought she would mess with a good thing and give me a taste of some zwieback toast. She must have been crazy because that stuff just seems weird to me. I really inspected it when she plopped it down in front of me. I couldn't decide if I should eat it or just push it off of my tray for Scout to eat. Needless to say, Scout didn't think too much of it either. :)

Hmm, this doesn't look like a puff to me...

Doesn't feel like a puff either...

Definitely doesn't taste like a puff...

Maybe if I hold it up really high a bird will come along and snatch it out of my hand...

No luck, instead Mom snatched it up and tried to force feed me...

Woman, put down that camera and give me my puffs!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Cooper, you are just keeping us all in stitches. Come down to the farm and we'll give you some good food (like Monk Melon).