Friday, August 24, 2007

Birthdays, Babies, Beauties & Back-to-School

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Cocoa! Happy birthday to you! Scout and I want to wish our big cousin Cocoa (that would be Fischer's sister) a very Happy 11th Birthday today! I did my calculations and that would be around 60 in human years! Here's to 11 or 60 (however you're counting, Cocoa) more years to come!

Mommy also told me some very exciting news this afternoon. Her college friend, Liz, (who is expecting her first baby) found out today that she is having a girl! Can you guess what my first thought was? That's right, I was thinking
another girlfriend for me! (You know how I'm always on the prowl.) Congratulations, Liz and Alan!

Tomorrow, my two lady loves Reese and Laney are going to be in the Butler County
Fair Beauty Pageant. I'm thinking of stopping by to see them strut their stuff on the catwalk. I don't know if Molly is going to be in it or not, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will get to see all three of my girlfriends tomorrow. Good luck, my beauties!

And last but not least, I
have to post some pictures I just received of my cousins Zoey & Taylor on their first day back to school. Taylor just started Kindergarten and Zoey is in 1st grade this year. Don't they look like they are ready to get their education on? Hope you two have a great school year ahead!

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