Friday, August 31, 2007

Zwieback...I Think I Might Yack

Lately, I have been eating Mommy out of house and home on those wonderful little puffs that I recently told you about. But for some reason Mommy thought she would mess with a good thing and give me a taste of some zwieback toast. She must have been crazy because that stuff just seems weird to me. I really inspected it when she plopped it down in front of me. I couldn't decide if I should eat it or just push it off of my tray for Scout to eat. Needless to say, Scout didn't think too much of it either. :)

Hmm, this doesn't look like a puff to me...

Doesn't feel like a puff either...

Definitely doesn't taste like a puff...

Maybe if I hold it up really high a bird will come along and snatch it out of my hand...

No luck, instead Mom snatched it up and tried to force feed me...

Woman, put down that camera and give me my puffs!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Today I went for my 9 month photo session at Sarah Kingree Photography (which she might want to consider changing the name to Sarah Kingree'll understand why after you read all of this post.) Anyway, I was kinda serious today and wasn't sure if I was going to smile or not. She managed to get a few smiles out of me, though. I even played my "Where's Cooper?" game with her! She got a really cute shot of me doing it (which is below)! I wore my new preppy outfit (seersucker pants and polo) for some of the shots. Then they stripped me naked and put me on display for all to see! I let them know what I thought of that by relieving myself all over her studio! I guess I should apologize to her for doing that...sorry Sarah! She didn't seem to let that stop her though. They cleaned it up and she just kept on snapping away. She even emailed me a few pictures from today to post on my blog, so I guess there are no hard feelings. :)

Where's Cooper? Here I am!

Mom & Dad trying to steal some of my hogs!

Here I am getting all cleaned up after my little incident.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Where's Cooper?

I have to tell you about a cute new game I like to play with Mommy and Daddy. Sometimes they put a little washcloth or burp cloth on my head and say "Where's Cooper?" I pull it off and they say "there he is!" It makes me laugh and Mommy and Daddy get a kick out of it, too. Lately though, I realized that I don't even need the cloth! They can just say "Where's Cooper?" and I will throw my hands up over my head (as if I'm pulling an imaginary wash cloth off of it) and they will still say "there he is!" Sometimes I really get on a roll and do it a whole bunch of times for them. I was really showing off the other morning and Mommy got a few pictures of our little game....Besides showing out this weekend, I went to see Laney and Reese in the beauty pageant. Laney won 1st alternate in her age group, but unfortunately the judges were blind in Reese's division. I made sure to tell Reese that she was still my beauty queen though! Then yesterday I went to the river to see Molly and Landen. Molly learned to take a few steps all by herself recently and she told me all about it! Landen started to pre-school last week, but he wasn't too eager to talk about that. I hope today goes better for him (and his mommy). :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Birthdays, Babies, Beauties & Back-to-School

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Cocoa! Happy birthday to you! Scout and I want to wish our big cousin Cocoa (that would be Fischer's sister) a very Happy 11th Birthday today! I did my calculations and that would be around 60 in human years! Here's to 11 or 60 (however you're counting, Cocoa) more years to come!

Mommy also told me some very exciting news this afternoon. Her college friend, Liz, (who is expecting her first baby) found out today that she is having a girl! Can you guess what my first thought was? That's right, I was thinking
another girlfriend for me! (You know how I'm always on the prowl.) Congratulations, Liz and Alan!

Tomorrow, my two lady loves Reese and Laney are going to be in the Butler County
Fair Beauty Pageant. I'm thinking of stopping by to see them strut their stuff on the catwalk. I don't know if Molly is going to be in it or not, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will get to see all three of my girlfriends tomorrow. Good luck, my beauties!

And last but not least, I
have to post some pictures I just received of my cousins Zoey & Taylor on their first day back to school. Taylor just started Kindergarten and Zoey is in 1st grade this year. Don't they look like they are ready to get their education on? Hope you two have a great school year ahead!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Smokey Says...

This afternoon I went to visit Grandma-Great. She was so happy to see me and I love how she always says over and over to me "you are so sweet". That just makes my day! We had a great visit and here's some proof...

Grandma-Great looking at me...

Me looking at Grandma-Great...

And both of us looking at each other...

Then tonight I went out to eat with Mommy & Daddy and we ran into Nina! It was a great surprise and she showed me off to her friends that were with her.

Afterwards, we came home and Daddy lit his hand on fire! He tried to play it off like he was just doing a "what not to do" scenario for me, but I didn't buy it. Mommy requested a picture of his hand for my blog, but he specifically stated "no flash photography". Don't worry, he's ok, but I will close tonight with a quote from a wise bear. "Only you can prevent forest fires...or fires in your kitchen". Ok, so I might have added that last part :)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Weekend Warrior

After being out of town for a whole week I thought I would just have a relaxing weekend at home but that was far from what I got! Friday we were kicked out of our house (twice) by the realtors. Then we had to go and sign papers on our new house. So in 30 days or less we will be moving into our new place! I'm looking forward to having more room for all of my toys. On Saturday, I went with Daddy and his hunting buddies (Great-Grandpa Thacker even got in on the trip) to draw for a location for their duck blind this year. They got the spot they were wanting so I think I must have been their lucky charm! Here's Daddy & me before we left for the big draw...
Saturday night Hannah and Aunt Michelle came over since they hadn't seen me in a week. Of course I had to show off for them, so while I was standing I showed them how I can take a few steps all by myself! They seemed to be quite impressed with my new skills. Hannah brought me up to speed on what all I missed while I was gone. She started Kindergarten this past week! Here she is lookin' sharp in her uniform on her very first day...Today I helped Mommy put away some of my clothes that I am too big for now. :( I didn't really help so much as I unfolded all of the piles that she was making. This afternoon we were kicked out of our house (again) by the realtors so we stopped by Mema's to see what she was up to and to show her how I can step it off now! Afterwards, we were off to buy some groceries and me some more puffs. I love those new finger foods Mommy has started giving me. I know they are mostly just air, but that is some delicious air they are packaging now days! Mmmm...puffs...I think I'll go have some right now! :)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Adventures of Lil' F & Big C

Lil' F and I had a great time catching up this past week. Every time I see him he has learned something new. This time he showed me how he can's very cute! While I was there, I kept Uncle Andrew busy baby-proofing their house. He got out his handy dandy baby-proofing kit and just followed me around as I showed him everything that he had to take care of to keep me (and eventually Fischer) from getting into trouble. Fischer also got himself a Bumbo seat while I was there and he seemed to really like sitting up. Below are two of my favorite pictures of him in it. In the first one he looks shocked to learn that he can sit up on his own!

Here are a few pictures of us doing what we do best.



And comparing
our bellies and fat rolls... :)

P.S. I also want to give a shout out to all of Aunt Lisa's "Houn' Dawgs". I hear my blog is quite popular in Southwest Missouri! I hope you all have a great school year...Go Houn' Dawgs!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Scout Turns 4!

Today my sister Scout is turning 4 years old! I hate that I’m not there to celebrate with her, but Fischer and I want to wish her a very Happy Birthday! I’ll be home tomorrow so we can celebrate together. I hope Daddy gives her an extra treat or two for her big day. Have a dog-gone happy birthday and I'll see ya tomorrow, Big Sis!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Grin & "Bear" It

Saturday I went on my very first trip to Bass Pro! I was having a great time checking out what all Bass Pro had to offer, when all of a sudden I came face to face with a gigantic bear! That thing really gave me the heebie-jeebies! Daddy was holding me and as soon as we stepped up beside the bear so we could get a closer look, I burst into tears. Mommy had to snap a quick pic of us because I wasn’t hanging around that thing for very long! To take my mind off of my traumatic ordeal Grandfather bought me my first Bass Pro hat. I feel like a true outdoorsman now that I have some official gear to wear.
Here's a picture of Fischer and Uncle Andy with that mean ol' bear...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Springfield or Bust!

Just wanted to let my loyal readers know that I am going on a trip to see my little cousin Fischer for a week. I will be spending my time with him catching up (and taking my first trip to Bass Pro!) so I'm not sure how often I will be blogging this next week. But you can bet I will have lots to talk about (and tons of pictures to show off too) when I return. See ya soon!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Grandfather & Mimi

Today Grandfather & Mimi are celebrating 37 years of marriage! Here's a picture of them on their wedding day back in 1970. Here's hoping you two get all of the alabaster you can handle! :)

Today's Birthday Shout Outs:
Zoey is turning 6 years old today! Hope you have a great day!
And happy 3 month birthday to you, Fischer! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Daddy & Mommy went out to see The Simpsons Movie the other night for their date night. Since I didn't get to go, I stayed in and decided I would go online and just "simpsonize" myself. It's pretty funny, click HERE to simpsonize a photo of yourself. In case you can't tell, my "before" picture is below and the one on the left is my "after" picture. I know you all have already seen me in yellow (remember my jaundice when I was born? d'oh!) but this a brighter shade of yellow that I happen to think looks pretty good on me! :)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Manic Monday

Hannah came over and we had one busy day! This morning we ran some errands with Mommy and got to see Mema at the bank. Then we went to check in with Daddy & Pepa at MHJ. While we were there we set up a lunch date with Mommy, Daddy, Pepa, Nina & Uncle Paul. After lunch we came home so I could take a nap and then we were off to see what Jagger & Reese were up to! We had a great time and once we got back home I crashed! Hannah was just about to fall asleep when Uncle Aaron came to pick her up this afternoon. We played our little hearts out today and I'm sure we will again on Wednesday when Hannah comes over again!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Water Babies

Today Hannah and I swam a few laps, caught some rays, had a light lunch and watched a few holes of golf. Yeah, we're total country club snobs. ;) After our time at the club, we came home for baths and naps. We also played with my new Leap Frog table that Mommy got me yesterday. Mom & Dad think the noises it makes sound like Debbie Downer from Saturday Night Live with a little Will & Grace thrown in there. All I know is, I like it! It lets me combine my 2 favorite things: 1) standing and 2) playing! I love being able to multi-task! Aunt Michelle also got in on the fun. She and Dad helped me practice my walking. I was really steppin' it off! They were all throwing out guesses as to when I will be walking on my own. Dad says this weekend (I think he is being a tad optimistic) but Mommy & Aunt Michelle both say by 10 months. If anyone else wants to get in on the action leave me a comment with your guess!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

"Ruff" Week

I have been receiving a lot of calls and emails about how my big sister Scout is doing. So I thought maybe I should type up a quick post to let everyone know that she is feeling better. As some of you already know, Scout had a pretty rough week. She scratched and bit at herself so much she caused some ugly sores on her paws and body. The vet really didn't have an explanation for what caused it, so Mom took her for a second opinion and that vet thought it was just her allergies and that she had made it worse by all of her scratching. He gave her some medicine and this funny looking collar and now she is on the mend. I think she looks like she is wearing a lamp shade around and every time I see her I have to laugh. Mom told me that isn't very nice but I can't help it, she cracks me up! I'm just glad she is feeling better and I know it won't be long before she is licking me up and down again!

Here are a few pictures of her sporting her newest accessory...