Sunday, April 13, 2008

Baby Love

Saturday night I had my friends Molly and Landen over for some food and fun! Molly and I didn't start off on the right foot at first (we had a few disagreements over toys). But once we worked out our differences we became inseparable. I distracted Landen by letting him play the Wii while I put my best moves on his little sis. First, I invited her into my house (my Fisher-Price house that is) and then I went in for some kisses! You got it, my infamous open-mouth kisses. She must have liked them because she was returning my affection with some smooches of her own. We called it a night way past my bedtime, but not before I slipped my number into her diaper bag!

Here's Molly after I lured her into my house...
Just hold still, I promise this won't hurt a bit...

Pucker up!

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