Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Flying the Friendly Skies

Friday, I put on my airplane outfit and took my very first flight. I did so good on the plane and even became Southwest's unofficial greeter. I loved saying "hi" to everyone that got on the plane. Seriously, I said it to everyone. You might think I would have gotten tired of saying it, but I didn't! I said it probably 100 times just on one flight! Most people returned my gesture and said it back to me.

Waiting to board...
I love greeting the other passengers...

Did someone say snack? Let me get my tray down for this...

Here I am doing a little shopping from Sky Mall...

We went to Dallas to surprise my Great-Uncle Mark for his 50th birthday. Friday night, Great-Aunt Cheryl had a big surprise party for him and I danced my little booty off! The band was great and I really got down.
Here I am cutting a rug...

Family picture time...

Saturday night we went to the Dallas Mavericks game. Here I am enjoying the game from our suite...

I also stopped by to see Aunt Jamie (Mommy's college roomie) while I was in Dallas...

I was so worn out from all of my travels that I crashed around 6pm when we got home and I didn't get up until 8:15 the next morning! I had a great time though and can't wait to start racking up those frequent flyer miles! Next stop...Maui!

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