Friday, October 26, 2007

Jimmy Landrum Prosthesis Fund

Many of you have already heard that Daddy's cousin, Jimmy, was seriously injured last week. A fund in his name has been established for donations. Below is a copy of an email that is circulating regarding Jimmy's accident:

"Jimmy suffered the loss of his left hand (his dominant hand) and broken bones in his right hand. He had surgery on his right hand to insert pins and screws, and the doctors expect him to regain full use of his right hand. Jimmy also suffered burns to his neck and face, which have been downgraded from second to first degree, which is a blessing, and he seems to be in good spirits.

Jimmy has always been active in sports, such as golf, kayaking, and rock climbing. We hope that with the money donated to this fund, he will be able to purchase a prosthesis that will allow him to do such things again.

His employer, Ozark Fitness, along with the efforts of Sterling Bank, has set up ‘The Jimmy Landrum Prosthesis Fund.’ This fund is available for deposits from anyone who can help. Donations can be made in Poplar Bluff directly at Sterling Bank or at Ozark Fitness.

In addition, at Ozark Fitness, 1/2 of all Jimmy Shake proceeds will be donated to 'The Jimmy Landrum Prosthesis Fund.' (The Jimmy Shake is a shake that Jimmy invented while working at the fitness center, and members just loved it.)

We hope and pray that Jimmy continues to make a speedy recovery and we are hopeful and thankful to all of you who are able to help Jimmy in this time of need."

I just wanted to pass along this information to those of you who have asked how you can help. I know my blog is viewed in many cities and states, so if you would like to donate, but are not local, you can mail your donation (payable to "The Jimmy Landrum Prosthesis Fund") directly to Sterling Bank at PO Box 460, Poplar Bluff, MO 63902.

Please keep Jimmy and the family in your prayers.

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