Saturday, May 31, 2008

IV at the PBRMC

If you haven't heard, I recently had my first hospitalization this past week. I got really sick over the Memorial Day holiday and had major episodes of vomiting and diarrhea. It got so bad that I couldn't keep anything down, became really dehydrated, and had to be hospitalized so they could get fluids in me through an IV. It was a long 3 days in the hospital, but I'm glad to be home now and am doing much better. Mom snapped a few shots of me with her camera phone while I was laid up in my hospital bed looking pitiful. :(

Poor baby...

Slowly on the mend...
(notice the phone beside me...I was thinking of calling a cab to get me outta that place!)

I also want to thank everyone for the calls, visits and goodies while I was in the hospital. It all made me smile. :)

*Happy Anniversay to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Andrew who are celebrating 11 years of wedded bliss today!
*Happy 1st Birthday to Laney today! (Sorry I couldn't be there to celebrate!)
*Happy 2nd birthday to Reese tomorrow! (Sorry I won't be there to celebrate!)
(I'll be sure to catch up with you two birthday gals another time to show you some birthday love!)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Whatta Week!

Whew! I have been having so much fun lately that I haven't taken time to blog about it all! So let me try to cover all of things I've been up to recently.

Fischer had a great birthday party at the park last Saturday. He got lots of cool gifts and had a yummy cake...that's right my sugar nazi parents let me have a little! Here are some pics of his fun time...

After being all hopped up on sugar on Saturday I had a Mother's Day marathon on Sunday. I woke up and helped Daddy make a Mother's Day breakfast for Mommy and Aunt Lisa. Which they loved! After showering Mommy with gifts from Scout and me I headed out to see the G-ma's. Here I am helping Mommy open one of her gifts...
Monday I went to see Hannah graduate from kindergarten. She announced to the audience that she wanted to be a 1st grade teacher when she grew up. That sounded pretty good, but not as exciting as the little boy who announced he wanted to be a motorcycle driver! Not sure how much that profession pays, but that sounds like my kind of gig! Check out the picture of the future 1st grade teacher...
Wednesday I was invited on a field trip to the Bootheel Youth Museum with Hannah's class. We played hard and I tried to keep up with everyone but I just couldn't hang. I had to spend the last hour or so catching some much needed Zs. Below are some pics of me having a blast (before I fell asleep).
I sure hope they take Visa...
Where's the fire?!
Taking a break at the dollhouse...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Moo, Oink, Neigh...It's Fischer's 1st Birthday!

I have to give my cousin Fischer a proper shout-out here on my blog to celebrate his big day! I can't wait until he arrives today so we can start getting things all ready for his barnyard birthday party he's having on Saturday! I was just reminiscing about the first time I met Lil' F one year ago today. Here's a look back at that day...

Say it with me now...awwww! :)

Happy birthday Lil' F!
Love Your Partner in Crime,
Big C