I am a bit behind on my blogging here lately. So you know how I told you about my last check-up and getting my MMR shot? Well, on the Thursday after that I started running a temp. It was around 100 and I couldn't decide if I was going to be sick or not. Sometimes I would act like I didn't feel good and then all of sudden I acted perfectly fine. Mommy did the whole Tylenol/Motrin routine but I couldn't seem to shake the fever. That night it got up to 102 and Mommy got worried. Dr. Suvan said to bring me in the next morning so we got up bright and early and went in to see him. I was still running a temp, around 100, but I checked out a-ok. The doctor decided I must have had a reaction to the MMR shot. So back home we went continuing with the Tylenol/Motrin. Later in the day, my temp was back to normal. So I thought I was on the mend. I had two egg hunts I wanted to make appearances at on Saturday and since my temp was normal and I was acting fine, I thought I would go huntin' for some eggs. Well, once we got back home my fever had returned. Then to top it off, on Easter I woke up covered in dots! I was all speckled-y as Mommy was calling it. My chest, back, behind my neck and a even a few on my face. So Mommy rang up Dr. Suvan again. He reassured her that this was also a reaction to the MMR shot and could last anywhere from 7-10 days. So our Easter was a big ol' flop! Mommy, Daddy and I just hung around the house. I was tired, speckled-y and CRANKY! The Easter Bunny did leave me some awesome things and I mustered up the energy to check out what all he had left for me. My speckles are slowly fading and I no longer have a fever so I think things might be looking up for me.
I wasn't really feeling like playing on it though, which is why I'm not in the picture with it. :(
Gotta post one of my favorite pics of Fischer and me sporting our Easter best...
And if you just didn't get enough pictures in this post, go check out my Easter photo session from Sarah Kingree Photography at www.sarahkingree.com. Click on the "client proofing" tab and enter the password "cooper".
P.S. Thank you to everyone who sent me some great Easter presents! I really raked in the good stuff and I love it all!