Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Speck-tacle

I am a bit behind on my blogging here lately. So you know how I told you about my last check-up and getting my MMR shot? Well, on the Thursday after that I started running a temp. It was around 100 and I couldn't decide if I was going to be sick or not. Sometimes I would act like I didn't feel good and then all of sudden I acted perfectly fine. Mommy did the whole Tylenol/Motrin routine but I couldn't seem to shake the fever. That night it got up to 102 and Mommy got worried. Dr. Suvan said to bring me in the next morning so we got up bright and early and went in to see him. I was still running a temp, around 100, but I checked out a-ok. The doctor decided I must have had a reaction to the MMR shot. So back home we went continuing with the Tylenol/Motrin. Later in the day, my temp was back to normal. So I thought I was on the mend. I had two egg hunts I wanted to make appearances at on Saturday and since my temp was normal and I was acting fine, I thought I would go huntin' for some eggs. Well, once we got back home my fever had returned. Then to top it off, on Easter I woke up covered in dots! I was all speckled-y as Mommy was calling it. My chest, back, behind my neck and a even a few on my face. So Mommy rang up Dr. Suvan again. He reassured her that this was also a reaction to the MMR shot and could last anywhere from 7-10 days. So our Easter was a big ol' flop! Mommy, Daddy and I just hung around the house. I was tired, speckled-y and CRANKY! The Easter Bunny did leave me some awesome things and I mustered up the energy to check out what all he had left for me. My speckles are slowly fading and I no longer have a fever so I think things might be looking up for me.

Hunting for some eggs...

Posing with my cousins...

Woo-hoo! The Easter Bunny came!

And he went all out! Check out what he left for me downstairs...

I wasn't really feeling like playing on it though, which is why I'm not in the picture with it. :(

Gotta post one of my favorite pics of Fischer and me sporting our Easter best...

And if you just didn't get enough pictures in this post, go check out my Easter photo session from Sarah Kingree Photography at Click on the "client proofing" tab and enter the password "cooper".

P.S. Thank you to everyone who sent me some great Easter presents! I really raked in the good stuff and I love it all!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Measuring Up

I went in to Dr. Suvan's office on Tuesday for my check-up and MMR shot. While I was there, Dr. Suvan examined my teeth and confirmed that I now have 12 total. Last time I was there I had just turned one, so I was anxious to see how I measured up since my last visit! I wasn't surprised when he said I had gained 2 pounds and grown 2 inches! That puts me at 24.8 lbs. and 31.5 inches. Mommy thought I weighed much more because I have been eating everything in sight lately and she is always complaining that I am sooo heavy for her to carry around! I knew I had been getting taller because I'm able to reach all kinds of things that I used to not be able to reach. Nothing is out of reach for Coopy anymore! I can even open drawers and empty them out in a flash! I guess that's why Daddy was so busy putting child-proof locks on all of them this past weekend. But I'm sure it won't be long until I find a way to bypass all of those silly locks!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Pot o' Gold

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I woke up this morning and found a pot o' gold waiting on me. A lil' leprechaun left me my very own laptop! Fischer has this same exact model and I love computing on his when I am at his house, so I was pumped to find my very own! Now I am able to upload my posts from the privacy of my own computer and not have to always borrow Mommy's to do my blogging. Well, I guess I better sign off here so I can send Fischer some emails and sell some things on ebay! ;)

Monday, March 10, 2008


Aunt Lisa just emailed some adorable pics she took of Fischer and me from our visit a couple of weeks ago.

We had a good time splashing around together in the tub after a hard day of play!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Baby Becks

It's hard to believe that just last weekend I went to the park and played soccer in the spring-like weather. And now this week it's snowing! I like the snow, but I had such a great time playing outside in the warm weather that I wish this cold stuff would end so I can run around outside more.

Anyway, last weekend Daddy took me to the park to try to teach me some soccer skills. I had a good time kicking the ball, but what I liked most was running around and letting Daddy and Mommy chase me! There were a lot of birds flying too and I thought it was fun to run around with my hands up trying to catch them! I guess I'm going to have to get a little bit taller though, because I couldn't seem to catch any of them! :-)

Here are a few shots of me training to be the next David Beckham!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Last weekend I went in for my very first haircut! Mommy was a little nervous that it would be chopped off and make me look like a little boy. She is trying to keep me as her baby as long as possible so she made sure I only got it snipped. Many of you probably can't even tell, but it is a tad bit shorter. The paparazzi was out in full force for this special event. Check out the footage below...