Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Let's Play!

Today, I went with my playgroup to the Bootheel Youth Museum. I had a blast and got to do some pretty cool things while I was there!

I started off by playing a little ditty on the big floor piano. I sure can make some
beautiful music with my feet!

Next up...the steel pans. I'm thinking a career in music might be my calling.

Or maybe I could be a personal shopper. At the Kiddie Market I shopped 'til I dropped!

I think I'm gonna need a cart for this...





Or perhaps culinary school is in my future. At the pretend restaurant I whipped up a lil somein' somein'.

Would you like that on white or wheat, Ma'am?

Wait, better let me taste it first...Mmm, now that's one tasty sandwich!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble, Gobble

I started my Thanksgiving off by going
to Mimi and Grand-
father's house. There I gobbled up a big ol' turkey leg (as you can see from the picture)!

Fischer even got his hands on one, too!
Grandfather and I posing with the pecan pie we slaved over... Actually, Mimi did all of the hard work, we just liked having our picture taken with it. :)

After lunch, Fischer and I perused the ads to see what kind of after Thanksgiving deals we might find...

Just two little turkeys hangin' out, practicing our serious looks...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Got Milk?

Yesterday, I had my one year check-up with Dr. “Man”. I am now a whopping 22 ½ lbs. and 29 ½ inches long! He gave me the “all-clear” on starting cow’s milk now so yesterday evening Mom, Dad and I went to pick me up a carton.

Here I am getting ready to enjoy a tall glass…
Also, since I am now over 20 lbs. and a year old, I can sit facing forward in my car seat. There is a lot more to look at now instead of the back of a seat. It’s a whole new world riding in the car now!

Check me out in my big boy seat…

My teeth are now coming in fast and furious! I’ve had my two top central incisor and and two bottom central incisor teeth for sometime now. Just recently, my top left lateral incisor finally broke through the skin. My top right lateral incisor is trying to come through, but it hasn’t broken the skin yet. And to Mommy and Daddy’s surprise, when Dr. Suvan was checking out my teeth they discovered that my bottom left lateral incisor has already come through, too! They seemed surprised to learn this, but all they had to do was ask me and I could have told them that!

Today's birthday shout-out:
Happy 30th birthday to Aunt "Weesa" (Lisa)!

Here we are celebrating our birthdays together this past weekend...

Monday, November 12, 2007

A Royal Celebration!

Saturday I celebrated my first birthday with a prince theme party. Everyone put on their crowns and stopped by my castle for a royal celebration! I even had cake for the very first time, but I wasn't too impressed with it. That makes Mommy (aka Sugar Nazi) happy. :) As you can see from the pics below, I had more fun playing in the cake than eating it!

Here are the 2 cakes that my party goers got to enjoy...

And here's the cake I got to enjoy...
(the top pic is "before" and the bottom pic is "after")

Here I am making a royal mess...

And here I am opening up a few presents...

I even took time out to read the cards, too...

Daddy and I pulling the string on the pinata...

I was a good birthday boy and made sure everyone got a piece of candy from the pinata...

I had a great day but was worn out by the time all of my guests left. I'm looking forward to doing it all over again next year! :)

Friday, November 9, 2007

One is Fun!

I can't believe I'm already one! It's hard to believe that on this day, exactly one year ago, I was born. Time sure flies when you're having fun and believe me I've been having a lot of fun!
Here I am on my birthday last year (I hardly even recognize myself!)...
and here I am on my birthday today...
What a difference a year makes!

I also have to give a shout-out to my cousin and birthday buddy, Alex who is celebrating his birthday today, too! Have a great day, Alex!

Friday, November 2, 2007

My First Halloween

I had a great first Halloween! I started out early so I would be in a good mood and so I could get back for bedtime. Around 4:30, I suited up in my spiffy goldfish costume and swam on down to Grandma-Great’s house. Grandfather and Mimi met me there, too. And I reeled me in some good treats from them!Next up was Pepa and Nina’s house. Great-Grandma Rhodes and my cousins, Hannah and Kolyn, were also there. I hardly recognized Hannah in her witch costume and Kolyn looked great as a monkey! Hannah and I continued on to Aunt Jane and Uncle Buddy’s house. And my final stop was at Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Thacker’s house. Lots of people were there to check me out…Aunt Leslie, Uncle Phillip, Paige, Alex, Uncle Jim, Aunt LeeAnn and Mema! Everyone seemed to really enjoy my costume. I had kept it a secret from everyone to see if they would recognize me. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see Fischer on his first Halloween, but Aunt Lisa sent me a great picture of him in his scarecrow costume…

I also want to post a few pictures from pumpkin carving night at Aunt Jane’s house last Sunday. Since I’m not allowed to play with sharp objects, Aunt Leslie brought me some sticky foam pieces so I could make a Frankenstein pumpkin. Here I am decorating my very first pumpkin… All of that decorating made me hungry, so I took a break for some Baby Mum-Mums. I like them so much that I thought maybe Grandpa might like to try one… I have been so busy lately with the move and also planning my big first birthday bash! I can’t wait until next weekend, but I think Mommy is a little bit sad that her baby is growing up so fast. :(

Thanks to Mimi for letting me stop by and use her computer to blog today. I almost forgot how to type it’s been so long! Once my internet is set up at the new house I hope to be a better blogger.

Birthday Shout-Outs: I’ve been slacking lately, but I hope Mommy (Oct. 21), Grandma-Great (Oct. 27), Mimi (Oct. 29) all had happy birthdays! And I hope Grandfather has a Happy Birthday today!