Monday, March 30, 2009


So I had been hearing a lot about how I was going to have to help out around the house once my brother came along. Mommy and Daddy weren't joking, they have really started putting me to work now that I'm a big brother!

Here I am doing the dishes...

organizing Cash's closet for him...

and a little handy-man work around the house...

I'm even in charge of dressing myself now... ;-)(all I need is my soccer hat, soccer underwear and rockstar sunglasses...right?)

Don't worry, I'm not totally independent now but I am enjoying helping out with Baby Cash (that's what I always call him, not just Cash but "Baby Cash"). As soon as I wake up in the mornings I immediately ask, "Where is Baby Cash?" Then I have to hold him and give him lots of kisses! I have really adjusted well to my big brother status and Mommy and Daddy are relieved that I am so good with him. I think we are going to be great friends!

I know that along with being a big brother means I have to start sharing with Cash. So I have decided to end my "" blog. Cash and I have talked it over and we decided to collaborate and start our own brothers blog! The link is I will be helping Cash out with the whole blogging thing since he's new to the scene. I hope you enjoy our new blog and be sure to leave us lots of comments!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Cash!

It's a BOY! My new baby brother, Cash Austin, has arrived!

Here are his stats:
7 lbs. 1oz.
20 1/2 inches
6:22 a.m.
Saturday, March 21st

I don't think there has ever been a more proud big brother! :-) I just love to hold and kiss him and, of course, Mommy thinks it's the sweetest thing ever. I think she's a pretty lucky mom to have such sweet little boys. ;-)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weird Weather

It's been a week since I last blogged and the weather has went through many changes since my last post! Here are some pics from last weekend when Fischer came home for a visit. We went to Mimi and Pepa's and built a snowman in their yard!And then this weekend it was so nice out Mommy and Daddy took me outside and we practiced riding my bike! It was a little tricky for me trying to figure out how to pedal and steer at the same time. It took some trying, but I started getting the hang of it.

March Birthday Shout-Outs:
Mema - March 27

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Guitar Hero

Friday, February 20, 2009

Local Celebrity

I received so many calls and texts about my appearance on the front page of the DAR yesterday that I felt like a celebrity toddler for the day! (I imagine that's how Shiloh and Suri feel everyday of their lives.) Who knows, maybe the DAR is just a start and US Weekly and People will be soon to follow! ;-)

Well, for all of the out-of-towners that follow my blog, I included the newspaper picture of me that caused all of the hype yesterday. (It was taken at the local library here in PB at the weekly story time that I attend.)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hot Off the Press!

Be sure to pick up today's edition of the DAR newspaper. I made the front page! (Don't worry, it's not for anything illegal or some type of criminal act.)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Be My Valentine

I had a great Valentine's Day yesterday! I got some great presents and LOTS of hugs and kisses! Mommy & Daddy got me a How Do I Love You book and Blue's Clues Hug Day DVD. Fischer mailed me a package with a Valentine, pictures and Hug Hug book. Mimi & Pepa got me color wonder book and markers and a Snuggle Puppy book. Mimi even made me a fancy jello heart collage that was sooo yummy!

And here are a few pics from my past Valentine's. I don't remember ever being this little!

My 1st Valentine's Day
(3 months old)

My 2nd Valentine's Day
(15 months old)